Instagram the Worst for Young People's Mental Health

23 مايو 2017


A new study compiled by the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) in the U.K. concludes that Instagram is the worst social media network for young people's mental health. 

While the study did include the potential positive effects of social media involvement in our everyday life, the study empasized the adverse effects of social media platforms on health with a direct corelation to:

- Anxiety and depression

- Sleep 

- Body image

- Cyberbullying

- Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

The RSPH, in an effort to raise awareness for the positive impact of social media platforms while mitigating the negative issues recommended the following:

- Introduction of a pop-up heavy usage warning on social media – include the support from young people for each of these recommendations

- Social media platforms to identify users who could be suffering from mental health problems by their posts, and discretely signpost to support

- Social media platforms to highlight when photos of people have been digitally manipulated

For more information from the RSPH, please click here





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