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Dr. Ahmed Mohsen Ahmed Ameen

Specialist Dermatology & Venereology | Dermatology


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Profile for Dr. Ahmed Mohsen Ahmed Ameen

Dr. Ahmed Ameen graduated from the faculty of medicine from Minia University in 2006 followed by a Masters degree in Dermatology & Venereology from Ain Shams University in 2011.

He has 5 years of experience in Egypt working in AL-Houd AL-Marsoud hospital and Elmataria teaching hospital until 2013. Also, he has two years of experience working as a specialist dermatology and venereology in KSA until 2015.

He specializes in all dermatological and cosmetic fields, namely Laser therapy, Phototherapy, Mesotherapy (face, hair and lipolysis), Plasma Injection (PRP), Botox and fillers injections, Chemical Peeling, electrocautery, Cryotherapy, Skin Biopsies, Intralesional injections and Intralesional Immunotherapy.

Dr. Ahmed is a member of the Saudi Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery.

He speaks English & Arabic.

Dr. Ahmed Mohsen Ahmed Ameen's specialty is Dermatology and currently works as a Specialist Dermatology & Venereology.

He speaks English.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Ahmed Mohsen Ahmed Ameen

Dr. Ahmed Mohsen Ahmed Ameen is practicing at NMC Specialty Hospital, Abu Dhabi


NMC Specialty Hospital, Abu Dhabi

Established in 1975, NMC Specialty Hospital Abu Dhabi is a multi-specialty hospital providing quality and trusted healthcare ... read more



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