Reviews for Al Tadawi Medical Centre, Deira

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Profile for Al Tadawi Medical Centre, Deira

Al Tadawi Medical Centre, Deira has 36 medical staff across 12 specialties. It has 6 reviewed doctors: Dr. Adel Abdollah Bahmani Rostaghi (Dentist - General Dentistry / Dentist), Dr. Carsten Froehlich (Dentist - General Dentistry / Dentist), Dr. Mohammad Samir Jomah Youssef (General Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) / Physician), Dr. Salman Adi (Cardiology / Physician), Dr. Trikam Ratnabhai (Orthopedic Surgery / Specialist Orthopedic Surgeon), Dr. Kahtan Wardeh (Dentist - General Dentistry / General Dentist).

We were recently extremely privileged and honoured to have his Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed Al-Maktoum, the Crown Prince of Dubai, officially inaugurate our newly extended Medical Centre. We were immensely proud to display the brand new facilities and services in which Al Tadawi Medical Centre has invested without hesitation and at every level of care, to provide patients with a most desirable system of Evidence Based practice in the most welcoming and comforting surroundings. Our particular emphasis has always been in putting patients first and foremost. We have therefore devoted much time and many resources to acquire the latest and most advanced medical equipment to ensure that we are able to provide first class comprehensive primary care. It is important for us and also, in particular, for those patients who fall under our care, that they receive both timely and safe medicine. Introducing continuous evolvement of new management in healthcare, we have complemented the new concept of a care centre with broad clinical support and care, away from the normal surroundings of a clinical environment. We are creating an ambiance that is compact, friendly and provides a service that can perhaps be best described as “the luxury of healthcare”.



Location of Al Tadawi Medical Centre, Deira

Al Tadawi Medical Centre, Deira is located in Deira (Dubai, UAE)



Specialists available at Al Tadawi Medical Centre, Deira


Doctors of Al Tadawi Medical Centre, Deira


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