14 October 2019
Dr Yasser Niazi has been practicing as a dentist from 2001. He is an implantologist and a “smile designer”. We sat with him to hear his advice on how to get the best dental implants in Dubai.
Q: What is a dental implant and who needs it?
A: We are using dental implant mainly for a missing tooth. You can lose a tooth for various reason: due to an accident, due to an abnormal growth that leads to not having the tooth coming there, or due to an extraction, failed root canal, and etc. Once we have all this kind of conditions, we replace the tooth with an implant, and on top of this fixture, which is inside the bone, we place the crown. Usually it’s zirconium crown.
Q: Why bone augmentation is also required as part of implant surgery?
A: Bone augmentation means bone placement on top of the implant. Most of the time it is required because, once we remove the tooth without replacing it immediately, we end up losing the bone as well. So we place the implant and the bone altogether.
Q: Can you explain how the implant surgery goes?
A: You place the implant by using the sequence drills that reach to the size of the implant. Each implant has different size. So the front teeth are unlike the back teeth. We cannot place the same diameter of implant for the front teeth as we do for the back teeth. So we should have more drills on the back teeth to prepare the bone to allow an implant there. Dentist should determine - after having a look into X rays and scans - how much he should drill, and according to that, they drill: first drill, second drill, third drill, might be fourth drill. It all takes about ten minutes or less, and we place the implant and cover it.
After waiting for a couple of months, and after the healing goes well, then we take a model, and fabricate and customize a crown, and fix it.
Q: What happens if we lose a tooth and just leave it without treating it properly?
A: When we lose a tooth and keep it empty more than a couple of years, the bone starts to dissolve. Losing of bone will lead to a process called atrophy, meaning that the amount of tissues and cells will get less and less by time and by age, and it will be much more difficult to restore it, if you want to do that later on. Second, the opposing teeth will overlap. Once we have lost of a tooth, upper or lower, the ligaments around the natural tooth push the teeth outside. Third, the teeth at the back side of the missing area will tend to tilt and create a very hostile place for bacteria as they will become the colony of food accumulation and debris, which in turn will cause bad breath, gingivitis, periodontitis, or lots of other things.
Q: What is your advice to patients for successful implant surgery?
A: There are top 5 implants in the world that are manufactured many years ago. Some of them since 1954. These kinds of implants are more reliable for me as a dentist to place them inside the mouth of my client. I wouldn’t say the recent implant companies are bad, but you cannot compare the company opened 10 years ago with the company opened 60 to 70 years ago. If you consider the amount of researches, it’s a big difference. So, I think the best ways is this: client should ask what kids of implants the doctor uses, where it is made from, and (by googling) check if it is one of top 5 or 10 implants in the world. And the patients should always receive a small document saying what is this implant and what is the diameter, and where it is made from. So in case if he goes somewhere, and he needs to restore it away from his dentist, other dentists can know what is it. For example, “Straumenn”, “Nobel Biocare”, “Astra”, “Zimmer”, “Biohorizons”, these are the top 5 implants in the world, and the clinicians practicing these implants to clients, I suppose, have to charge a bit more than the others using other companies’ implants.
Q: Can implants fail?
A: Of course, anything in the world has a failure percentage. Even if you buy a brand new car, it might have a possibility that it may break down. The good news is that the failure rate of a dental implant in a normal patient is above 94 to 95 per cent. The reason it might fail is because of other factors: the patient is a smoker; the patient has a systemic problem such as taking aspirins or other anticoagulants a lot; having certain kind of heart problems, or hypertension, diabetes. These factors make difference. Oral hygiene is an important factor too. If the oral hygiene is bad, I don’t think the implant will last forever. It might stay only a couple of years or so.
Q: Is there age limit for dental implants?
A: The recommended age is after the age of 18. Any lost tooth before the age of 18, we try to replace it with a temporary or a long-temporary treatment. Before that age, implants are not recommended because the growth of the jaw will stop – and no more alteration in the expansion or the vertical growing in dimension – just before reaching the age of 18. After 18, you can place implant without worrying that the teeth might change position due to the growth.
Q: Same-day implants, what is it?
A: Personally I am a person who likes to give the body a normal time to heal. I have to respect the tissues inside our body. However, we have to know that when it comes to the front teeth, we cannot stay without a tooth there. Since the front teeth does not have that much load, or minimum load, I guess we can place the implant and the crown on the same day. Whereas placing implant at the back side, with a crown, is a bit debatable. I prefer the front teeth, because this will allow minimum interruption with the healing.
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