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HOD, Consultant Pediatrician Saudi German hospital Ajman

Dr. Aly Ragheb Aly Farrag Elayyat

MD Pediatrics


4 reviews

HOD , consultant pediatrician Saudi German Hospital Ajman | Pediatrics

Saudi German Hospital, Ajman




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Reviews for Dr. Aly Ragheb Aly Farrag Elayyat (4)


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1 contributions

Dr Aly has been an absolute blessing

pediatrician has been an absolute blessing Dr Aly has been an absolute blessing for our children health. Always he demonstrates an amazing ability to diagnose and treat our children illness effectively. His expertise is matched only by his genuine care and understanding. We are appreciative of his unwavering commitment to our children well-being and couldnt ask for a better pediatrician


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1 contributions

Best pediatrician.. Dr.Aly

Friendly pediatrician.. Dr.Aly is an amazing doctor. My kids fall sick frequently and he is always there to help us. My kids feel very comfortable only with him . He is always available at times of emergencies. I would highly recommend him for anyone looking for a really good pediatrician in Uae


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Best Doctor for your children in UAE

Best Doctor for your children : I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the exceptional care D Aly has provided to my twin children . His unmatched kindness, patience, and expertise have made an enormous improvement in their health and well-being. It is very evident how much genuinely cares for his patients


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1 contributions

I I have a very good experience

I I have a very good experience with Dr Aly in Saudi German hospital Ajman . He diagnosed well my child , treated him well and answered All my concerns

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Introduction to Dr. Aly Ragheb Aly Farrag Elayyat

Dr. ALY head of Department and Consultant of Pediatrics in Saudi German hospital Ajman: Aly has worked as a Consultant of Pediatrics and Neonatology in Egypt and UAE (MOH – Dubai), Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Neonatology in UAE and Head of Department. Having gained more than 20 years of experience in the field of Pediatrics, Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care in both Egypt and UAE (governmental and private sectors), Dr. Aly has worked in Cairo University Teaching Tertiary Hospital and most reputed private sector centres, managing most difficult cases in all Pediatric subspecialities. He has published several articles and papers in medical journals. Afterwards, he joined Fujairah Governmental Hospital, then he worked in Thumbay Group Private Hospitals and as Associate Professor in Gulf Medical University. He has appeared on multiple programs on UAE TV. His position before joining Saudi German Hospital was Head of Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology in Dibba Governmental Hospital.

Area of Interest

  • General Pediatrics and Neonatology (outpatient, inpatient, emergency and referred cases)
  • Emergency and Pediatric ICU (Status Asthmaticus, Status Epilepticus and Diabetic Ketoacidosis, etc.)
  • Neontologic disorders (Preterm, Neonatal Jaundice, Respiratory Distress, Sepsis)
  • Vaccination of preterms and children of all ages
  • Pediatric Nutritional disorders (Underweight, Obesity, etc.)
  • Pediatric Pulmonological diseases (Bronchial Asthma, Croup, Cystic Fibrosis, Pneumonia, etc.)
  • Pediatric Gastroenterological disorders (Diarrhoea, Constipation, etc.)
  • Pediatric Urinary disorders (Urinary incontinence, etc.)
  • Pediatric Infectious and Allergic diseases (Dermatological disorders such as Eczema, Food allergies, etc.)
  • Pediatric Neurologic disorders (Neurodevelopmental, autism, ADHD, Epilepsy, Delayed speech, etc.)
  • Pediatric Genetic and Congenital disorders (Down syndrome, etc.)
  • Pediatric Metabolic and Hematologic disorders (Anaemia, G6PD, etc.)
  • Pediatric Endocrinology (Abnormal Stature, Thyroid and Suprarenal disorders, Abnormal puberty disorders, etc.)
  • Experience : more than 25 years 
  • Education

    • Master Pediatrics, MD Pediatrics Cairo University, Egypt
    • Consultant Medical Syndicate Cairo, Egypt
    • Assistant Professor Gulf Medical University, UAE
    • Consultant Pediatrics and Neonatology DHA, MOH


    Practicing Locations of Dr. Aly Ragheb Aly Farrag Elayyat

    Dr. Aly Ragheb Aly Farrag Elayyat is practicing at Saudi German Hospital, Ajman.


    Saudi German Hospital, Ajman

    Saudi German Hospital, Ajman is part of the biggest private hospital group in the Middle East and ... read more


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