Ginseng, the Elixir of Life?

12 May 2019


Ginseng is the root of the slow growing perennial plant. It is called Ginseng (인삼, 人參) or human (shaped) herbal root, because of its unique shape
Its botanical genus name Panax means “all-healing” in Greek. Ginseng has been used from over 1,800 years ago in Eastern Asia as one of the most important ingredient in oriental medicine.


Why people eat Ginseng?

According to Dongui Bogam, Oriental Medicine Encyclopedia written in Korea in 17C, Ginseng stabilises your mind, calms your nerves, and calms the heart when you are startled. The book says it also invigorates brain activity and helps with forgetfulness. It is effective for people who are lethargic, weak, and those whose bodies are cold or gets cold easily, people who sweat a lot, and people who have weak digestive systems,


Is the effect of Ginseng scientifically proven?

Modern research has found the typical nutrients in Ginseng - ginsenocide and gintonin - and scientists are trying to reveal how the nutrients are affecting our body. 
For example, with regards to inflamation reduction, one study in 2011 found that Korean red ginseng extract reduced inflammation and improved antioxidant activity in skin cells from people with eczema (atopic dermatitis).

Other study investigated the effects of having 18 young male athletes take 2 grams of Korean red ginseng extract three times per day for seven days. The men then had levels of certain inflammatory markers tested after performing an exercise test. These levels were significantly lower than in the placebo group, lasting for up to 72 hours after testing 

Usually, below benefits are commonly mentioned as benefits of Ginseng:

  • May Benefit Brain Function
  • Could Improve Erectile Dysfunction
  • May Boost the Immune System
  • May Have Potential Benefits Against Cancer
  • May Fight Tiredness and Increase Energy Levels
  • Could Lower Blood Sugar


What is the history of Ginseng?

Ginseng has been used from over 1,800 years ago in Korea, China, and later in Japan. In China, Ginseng was exchanged for the same weight of gold. Received 7-fold when exchanged with Silver [William Griffis, “Corea, The Hermit Nation”, 1894]. Japan had to make highest purity silver coins for the exclusive use of buying Ginseng.



Why is Korea so popular for Ginseng?

3 different types of Ginseng exist on earth. 1. Asian, 2. Siberian, 3. American
Korean Ginseng (Panax ginseng) and South China Ginseng (Panax notoginseng) has slight difference in their genetic characteristics. American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) is originally used by American Indians as herbal medicine from long time ago. As Chinese people migrate to the US in 19C, it was known in America that Ginseng can be an expensive export item to China. Export of American Ginseng started from then. American Ginseng is known to have a little bit different nutritional benefit from Korean/Asian Ginseng. American Ginseng is known to have more calming effect, whereas Korean ginseng has more stimulating effect. 


What is Red Ginseng and Black Ginseng?

For longer term storage purpose, Red Ginseng was invented in Korea. Usually Red Ginseng is produced by steaming and drying Ginseng for 7 times. Through the process, it is known that Ginseng becomes oil soluble and therefore gets easier to get absorbed by the body cell. It is also known that Red Ginseng neutralises side effects of Ginseng to some people, such as hot flushes, insomnia and dyspepsia.

Black Ginseng is produced by steaming and drying Ginseng over 9 times. By this process the positive effect of Ginseng gets stronger and negative minimised.

Click Here to Visit [Ginseng World] and Get Free sample of Black Ginseng Extract


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