Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatments in Dubai: A Complete Guide

26 October 2021


What is Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment?

Vaginal rejuvenation treatment means a wide range of medical treatments to help a vagina to regain its desired level of tightness, elasticity and lubrication which has been lost due to childbirth and/or ageing. It can include invasive (surgical) and non-invasive methods, but here in this article we will focus on non-invasive means. You can check surgical method of vaginal rejuvenation here.


What are different types of vaginal rejuvenation treatments available in Dubai?

When it comes to non-invasive vaginal rejuvenation, there are two types of technologies available in Dubai: CO2 Laser treatments and Radiofrequency (RF) treatments. Both of them are energy-based treatments intended to heat and stimulate the target area. The same technologies are alredy widely used for body slimming and facial rejuvenation.




CO2 Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation in Dubai

CO2 Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation uses laser beam to heat the upper layers of the vaginal tissue which results in the lower layer producing collagen. Increased collagen in the vagina strengthens the vaginal walls improving laxity. It also improves glycogen production helping with vaginal lubrication. Strengthened muscles near urethra due to increased collagen also improves incontinence.

Major brands used in Dubai are FemiLift and MonaLisa Touch


Benefits of CO2 Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation

  • Completely non-invasive, painless treatment. No knife, no needle.
  • Shorter treatment time (3 to 4 min) vs Radio Frequency (20 to 30 min) 


Limitations of CO2 Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation

  • Cannot have intercourse within 48 hours after the treatment
  • Usually requires 3 treatments over 3 months for optimal results


Who operates FemiLift in Dubai?




Who operates MonaLisa Touch in Dubai?

Mona Lisa Touch


Radio Frequency Vaginal Rejuvenation in Dubai

Radio Frequency Vaginal Rejuvenation uses radio frequency, instead of laser, to heat the upper layers of the vaginal tissue which results in the lower layer producing collagen. Increased collagen in the vagina strengthens the vaginal walls improving laxity. It also improves glycogen production helping with vaginal lubrication. Strengthened muscles near urethra due to increased collagen also improves incontinence.

Major brands used in Dubai are Viveve and ThermiVa. Viveve is known to have curface cooling function to protect vaginal skin during the treatment. 


Benefits of Radio Frequency Vaginal Rejuvenation

  • Completely non-invasive, painless treatment. No knife, no needle.
  • No down time. 
  • Can tighten labia area as well with the same device/hand piece


Limitations of Radio Frequency Vaginal Rejuvenation

  • Longer treatment time (20 to 30 min) vs Las (3 to 4 min)
  • Requires in and out hand movement of the operator using the handpiece around labia and vagina can be embarrassing to the patient
  • Usually requires 3 treatments over 3 months for optimal results (except Viveve that requires single session)


Who operates Viveve in Dubai?




Who operates ThermiVa in Diubai?

thermi Va




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