Skin Care for Dry Skin

07 February 2021


Your skin is…


You’ve probably never been near a dermatologist’s office. In your teens and twenties, you were the envy of all your friends because you had the best skin—minimal acne, no oiliness, few freckles. Perhaps you suffered from occasional dry skin patches, but this was no big deal. If you are older, you may have noticed that your skin has become drier, but you can control dryness with most moisturizers. If you’re older than forty-five, and not taking hormones, your skin’s dryness may have worsened due to the loss of estrogen. But you still look pretty good, and people often guess your age at five to ten years younger than you actually are. You don’t realize how lucky you are to have a low-maintenance skin like yours. When others compliment your skin, you have no idea what they mean.


Daily Skin care regimen recommended for you



Your skin’s best friends and worst enemies:

Dry Skin is caused when there is an imbalance between moisturization and sebum secretion on the skin. The causes for this imbalance are varied and unclear. You can tell your skin is dry when it is crumbly, scaly, cracked, itchy, or stinging. People usually think it is caused by insufficient moisture, but dry skin may also be a result of insufficient sebum secretion. In this case, you can also experience sagging, wrinkles, and pigment disorder on the skin. Therefore, it is recommended to use cosmetics with antioxidant effects for wrinkle reduction and ingredients to balance between moisture and sebum on the skin.

ingredients for dry skin

Dr Heba's choice

Here I've tried to select the products that would work well for your skin type. You can use my promo code HEBA15 to receive 15% off on your order.


For Dry Skins in general




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