18 October 2016
For every parent, or soon-to-be parent, finding the right doctor to care for your children can sometimes be a stressful, and time-consuming process. Generally, parents prefer word-of-mouth referrals from family, and friends. Based on other people’s experiences, parents will gravitate towards choosing certain doctors for their children. Understandably most parents want, and expect the best medical care for their children, and knowing about a general public consensus of a doctor’s capability, and service is preferred over experimenting through trial and error.
When we started our research on pediatric doctors, we found limited information online, however the most prevalent key information we did manage to find on most mentioned Pediatric doctors was:
Dr. Shahzad Khan:
Dr. Khan at Cooper Health Clinic-wonderful and really takes the time to get to know your baby!
100% Dr. Khan at Copper Health Clinic. He really knows his stuff
Dr. Keith Nicholl:
Dr Keith Nicholl is really good, he's really thorough and our kids are really happy to see him
The best pediatrician in town. Known him for 16 years. Although my boys are young men ... we still go to him.
I was recommended Dr Nicholl by a dear friend (who has 5 children) here in the UAE. It is a small practice and very personable. He is always available on the telephone which is great with small ones, when you don't know whether to take them to the doctor or not. His whole practice is child-friendly with lots of toys, he interacts well with the little ones letting them use the stethoscope so they know what to expect etc. and is constantly joking with them. He didn't prescribe antibiotics instantly and happily sent me away saying to wait 2 days and call me to give me the progress of my 5 year old's cough. I have used him for 4 years now for all 3 of my children. The man and face behind this popular family clinic is a sought after pediatrician with over 30 years experience of treating little people. Getting an appointment with him can be tricky but he is always available on the phone, which is very helpful when dealing with a sick toddler at home. Needless to say, he has a great way with kids and a non judgmental approach to parents….thank you very much! Should there be an emergency (God forbid!), Dr. Nicholl knows his stuff. No direct billing to insurance companies though, pay and claim it is.
Can't recommend Dr Talal enough. He takes his time with both DD and us. He is thorough and does not rush towards medication or intervention without thorough discussion. Has been a god send for our family that is for sure. He was at City and then this year has gone out on own - we followed him without hesitation. His website is http://www.uaechildren.com/ Dr Talal in Farha Children Clinic, very highly recommended. looked after our 2 since one was premature in the city hospital in really hard times and managed to pull the other out of a very serious illness called kawasaki disease, with no complications, as a results of his amazing clinical skills. he was the head of paediatrics in that hospital before opening his own centre for the best of all of us and his. If you want a doctor just to do basic care, cough and cold stuff, then most will do, but if you want a true quality with fantastic manner, the children and us mothers love, then he is the one. by the way he is native english speaker too and is fully fledged consultant in England (very hard to get that position in England).. we feel rather lucky to have him here and many many of our friends go to see him. you can find his clinic in dubai health care city. number 043612404 . and on the website is www.uaechildren.com
Dr. Samitha Rajkumar:
She is outstanding in her profession. Strongly recommend, especially for those who are very possessive of their kids I’ve been takin my DD to Dr. Samitha Rajkumar at Unicare Medical Centre in Bur Juman... initially went there for the convenience and coz she came highly recommended... and now sticking there coz i think she's awesome...very approachable (even for the silliest of all questions)... replies to sms/calls etc. and doesn’t recommend unwanted medication unless it's really called for..she also has excellent bedside manner with kids so makes it all the more easier
Dr. Anwar Mousa Michael:
Dr Anwar Mousa in Saudi German hospital. He is an amazing doctor, who gives you enough time to ask questions. He also gives his mobile number to his patients and you can call anytime After many other epic failures over the past two years I finally stumbled across Dr Anwar Mousa at Dubai London Clinic. I went to see him as both DS's had coughs that sounded horrific. Turned out the elder had bronchitis and the younger one had croup. He listened to everything I said about their symptoms, listened to their chests more than once and for quite some time then proceeded to draw me a diagram explaining the difference between the two illnesses. We went down the route of a nebuliser for both of them. He gave me detailed directions for doses and then gave me his number and told me to call him on his mobile should I hear either cough getting worse as he would reassess the dosage of each medication. He then asked me to come back in 3 days for a follow up which was also very thorough
As witnessed in our research, there is a limited amount of information online regarding Pediatricians, and more information is needed for parents to provide their children with the best care possible. Please click here to share your own experiences:
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