01 May 2019
Sejong started with the opening of its first hospital in 1982 and later was designated by the Ministry of Health as a general hospital that specialized in cardiac disease treatment. Sejong holds this title in Korea so far. Mediplex Sejong is a new specialty hospital complex run by Sejong that opened in 2017 and holds remarkable records such as: top 3 hospital preferred by cardiac patients, highest cardiac operation success rate, and number 1 in coronary artery bypass surgery success rate. The hospital performs 1,300 cardiac operations and 4,400 cases of angiocardiography a year. The hospital boasts 22 specialists at its cardiovascular centre and 14 at the cerebrovascular centre. The hospital boasts very efficient operation and treatment process which enables outpatient consultation/examination/result check/ hospitalization within a day. It has 24hr residence of cardiovascular specialists to perform treatment of severe emergency patient with heart disease can be performed within the shortest time. For example, Mediplex Sejong Hospital can start injection of thrombolytic agent within 30 min in average after arrival of stroke patient, 2X faster than international standard (HIRAS). Ultimately, Sejong is a super modern facility and eco-friendly environment that helps patients find comfort during their treatment and recovery. Adult or pediatric patients with heart diseases will find the world’s top level specialised treatment at Sejong Mediplex Hospital in Korea. Over 15,000 foreign patients has come to Sejong for heart diseases treatment.
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